Giraffe Manor, located in the lush outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, is one of the most unique and enchanting experiences in East Africa. Set within 12 acres of private land, this boutique hotel is famous for its resident herd of endangered Rothschild giraffes that freely roam the property. Guests are often greeted by these gentle giants, who may poke their long necks through the windows at breakfast or join you for an afternoon tea, offering an intimate and unforgettable wildlife encounter. The manor itself exudes colonial charm, with elegant decor and expansive gardens, providing a perfect blend of luxury and nature.
Staying at Giraffe Manor is not just about luxury accommodation; it’s about a hands-on experience with wildlife conservation. The property is part of the Giraffe Centre, which plays a vital role in protecting the Rothschild giraffe species. The surrounding Ngong Hills and the nearby Giraffe Centre offer opportunities for learning about giraffe conservation efforts while getting up close to these majestic creatures. Whether you’re a wildlife lover, a photography enthusiast, or simply looking for a unique getaway, Giraffe Manor promises an extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime experience.